I need a new computer. It goes so slow, doesn't do HD video streaming well. Not to mention the hard drive is making unusual noises. I've been putting up with a compaq presario, from like since 2003. I've seen enough screen shots and heard enough of windows vista that I know to stay clear...I'm not sure windows 7 is much better. My software is out of date. My keyboard(s) are shot. The mouse still works okay,though takes up a usb port. The next best thing, I figured is to go ahead and make the switchover to a mac.
Now that I ordered one,I anxiously wait and prepare to rebuild my system and get the software I need. it may take a while. I don't do credit cards or charge if I can avoid it. I buy big things by saving my money and not spending it all on little things like ordering lunch every day. Bag lunches are cheaper. Having no car is a pain, but that also means no gas to pay for and no insurance to have to pay on it either. If all goes to plan,and no unplanned events/expenses occur, I shall be able to buy photoshop CS in another month or two.
There are some things I will miss. Petz used to be one of my favorite games and time wasting projects. I haven't played it in years, so I doubt I'll miss it any more than I do now. Some other games will be lost, but then again I probably could still find mac versions of those old games that are even better(bugdom.)If not, then it isn't really a big deal. After all the main thing I want it for is to operate photoshop (CS5) and whatever else I wish to do with my art and photography.