Monday, February 22, 2010

Leap Frogging Buses

I'm not sure what it is "officially" called. The scenario: You're waiting at a bus stop. The bus comes. Right behind it is another bus of the same route number.
How did that happen? Was it a mistake? Did one driver fall behind schedule and then end up near the bus behind them by 15-20 min or did the driver get ahead of schedule and then meet up with the bus that would have been in front by about 15-20 min? Then the all important question: Should you enter the first bus or the bus right behind it?

Whenever my dad came across the situation, he advised me to take the rear bus, thinking that the one in front is overloaded with people and behind. When I am in the situation it seems either bus I take ends up full and takes longer than the other, or that both get pretty close to my desired stop at about the same time. It seems they take turns as the front/rear bus anyway. Maybe I am just unlucky.

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