Monday, May 25, 2009

Finally an update

I've been meaning to update my blog with something, but it seems when I come up with ideas to write, it always seems to be at a time I have my computer off and am either trying to sleep or am busy with something. Needless to say, I've been letting a lot of ideas go without getting them written down. To capture a thought is sort of like trying to catch a butterfly. If you can catch it and get it written down, then it is there. But if you let it pass through without recoding it, then it goes away. Sometimes thoughts will return and sometimes not.

I've been kind of darting around a few places on the net. Sadly it seems talentdatabase is no more. :( They got some kind of problem they claim to fix "soon", but after giving them at least three months to settle whatever it is, I'm not holding my breath any longer... So I will be moving a few of my favorite stories from there to here. I have something planned for Memorial day to upload next. But right now I've got this:

T-Shirts! Yes you can have your very own T-shirts with my designs. I'm in process of adding products and making my designs look their best. Really I should get a paid account with cafepress, but I want to be guaranteed I will at least break even with sales before sinking money in.
That said I have a personal dilemma. I want to buy my own "Thorn bug" shirt but there are too many choices. I'll try to narrow it down to my favorites and update as soon as I get the shop set up.

As far as the "Messor" goes I think I've settled on this shirt (the tanish-green one).

I've also been wasting time making little clicky graphics, which seem to be surprisingly difficult to paste on blogger. Perhaps I'm too tired.

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