Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Nerve Some People....

Knowing when to speak up and when to keep silent has been an ongoing struggle.  For someone with autism, it can be dangerous.

I don't know if I made the right choice by standing up for myself. But if I didn't stand up for my self, I would have still been upset. I'm doomed either way; regretting that I spoke up when I shouldn't or regretting that I didn't speak up when I should.  At least this time I am not regretting I didn't speak up.

The situation:  I was just about ran over by some rude person in an SUV at a busy intersection.  the light was yellow, just turned red. The guy was practically running a red light. He made eye contact. I made eye contact. He saw me and I saw him.  Rather than slowing down so all the pedestrians, including the people behind me could cross, he purposefully sped up. His truck just missed pulling me down by less than a foot.

This is where I felt in a quandry: Do I just stand there all shaken up, letting him go on his merry way? (regretting I didn't speak up) Or do I stand up for myself? This time I chose to let him know that he came close. Dangerously close to hitting me. I lightly thumped his truck with my hand. No damage done. I just wanted him to hear me.

I don't know what I expected. I guess I was hoping for some Minnesota Nice.  Maybe an apology or something. Well no. That wasn't quite what I got.  He stopped his truck in mid traffic, just at the end of the intersection, opened his door and started yelling at me. At this point I wondered,  Do I just slink away shyly or stand my ground?  I chose to stand my ground. As calmly as I could and as loud as I said he could have hit me and he needs to be considerate for pedestrians. Angerly he yelled back that he didn't need to stop for pedestrians.

As I finished crossing I spoke softly that he really needed to be considerate. The pedestrians behind me nodded quietly in agreement.

Then  the unexpected. Some lady came out of nowhere, asking me questions.  At this point I wasn't sure what to do, but react as calmly as I could. I restated that he should have been more considerate and could have hit someone.  In return I got called strong names and shoved.  I didn't fight back. I just continued walking, leaving the lady behind and the man to drive off and yell some more harassing comments.

I wonder what if they had hit me, what they would have done? Would they have been more upset to have blood on their car and possible charges and jail time to contend with? Or worse, if there was an old lady in my place? Would they have stopped for an old lady? Would they have ran her over?

The nerve some people have.  I just had to vent. A little bit of consideration goes a long way.

That all said, I still don't know if I did the right thing. I don't know if the situation could have been handled any better.  I guess if I had risen up my hand and waved a single finger salute rather than lightly thumping his truck, I would have most likely still have gotten the same response. If I didn't speak up, I'm sure they would have done the same to the next person crossing the street.  Well they probably still will try to run over pedestrians. I don't know. I guess I'll have to pick a better time to cross the street, but it was broad day light and I still really need to get to the bank before it closes.

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